program 2021

Utopia – Entelechy (or on the sense of duty)

Carlo Alleva, Anna Utopia Giordano
“Entelechy (or on the sense of duty) is a spoken word song written and performed by artist, poet and performer Anna Utopia Giordano with music composed by multimedia indipendent artist Un Artista Minimalista. Entelechia is contained in Utopia’s first album “”Fogli d’ombra”” released on March 19, 2021. The text, conceived by the author as a hybrid between poetry and script, contains suggestions from philosophy, literature and science, intertweaving current global issues with classical images of ancient Greece.
The videoclip of Entelechy (or on the sense of duty) is inspired by the tradition of son et lumière night shows. The video concept was developed and conceived by Anna Utopia Giordano and Carlo Alleva, an Italian designer and director who has been entrusted with the direction of Entelechy.
In particular, the theme of Entelechy (or on the sense of duty) concerns the value of life, how every living being is part of the same unique unbreakable network and the debate on migrants, a very important issue in Italy.