program 2023


Director – Luna Mrozik Gawler
TOXX wonders what the body becomes in world and epoch united in contamination. As studies identify microplastics in clouds, air pollution particles in placentas, and PFAS ‘forever’ chemicals in 90% of tested breast milk, TOXX meditates on microbial migrations and the choreographies of change, exploring a planetary inheritance of industrial residue. Traversing territories of toxicity, and queer(y)ing the eco-monstrous figure, this work reckons with the grotesque figurations of ecological presents and the uncanny futures that might evolve from it. The porous progeny of the Toxicocene find themselves united in contamination across every cell, site, and species. Resisting the urge to withdraw from the disquiet of such intimate incursions, eco-monstrous figures invite us to turn towards the chimeric forms haunting contemporary myths of ecologic purity or return. TOXX lingers in the disquiet of post-normal narratives, refusing the convenience of utopic/dystopic binaries, to instead it favour the morphic muck of transition without the expectation of arrival. The Toxicocene offers no apocalypse, no salvific future, only the motley miasma of bodies seeping, blooming, metabolising and mutating in transition, unceasing. A toxomythology without end.