
The Sound of Sinking Ships

Oona Taper, US03:56

Oona Taper is a Philadelphia-based visual artist and experimental animator. Her style captures both whimsical and chaotic energy, utilizing distorted yet recognizable figures, a strong use of sound, and a mixed media approach to address themes of intimacy, technology, physical space, and subjective experiences. Her video work uses loops as a key formal element and highlights the potential materiality of moving image. Taper’s short films have been screened at national and international film festivals including; The IVY Film Festival in Providence RI, OUTsider Fest in Austin, Texas, and Locomoción, an Experimental Animation Festival in Mexico City. Her video installations and works on paper have been showcased in galleries in Boston, Philadelphia, and Rome. She is part of the video art collective Krissy Talking Pictures, which curates video and performance events in Philadelphia.
Clarity and obfuscation, entropy and order- explored through movement, music, video and film. The Sound of Sinking S hips is a dance film that flows across live action, animation, and hand processed and chemically altered film.