program 2022 specialmention2022


Vladislav Knežević
Vladislav Knezevic biography 28.8.1967. , Zagreb, Croatia
Between 1989 and 1993 He studied at the Academy of Dramatic Art (film / TV dept.) in Zagreb and one semester at the De Vrije Academie (audiovisual dept.) in Den Haag
Primarily engaged in audiovisual research and creating works using recorded video material, digital photography, micro-animation, stereoscopic 3D technique and generic electronic sound in an attempt to create a new experience of watching the movie media. In the focus of interest are concepts related to the marginal areas of real categories, the novelty images, digital aesthetics, utilitarian / fantastic constructs and the consequences of technological and scientific research on human experience.
He won awards at festivals in Split, MFNF (Grand Prix, 1997), New York, Be Film Underground Film Festival (2015 Best 3D) and Karlsruhe, Beyond 3D, (2015 Best Short). He has also won two Oktavian Prizes (Croatia Film Critic Asocciation Award for the best experimental film in 2010 for Arhcheo 29 ​​and in 2015 for A.D.A.M at Days of Croatian Film festival.  He participated in exhibitions HT Awards for Contemporary Art at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb in 2106 and 2018.  A.D.A.M, was shown in the digital edition of the Machine Minds and Digital Neurons, Labocine in New York, 2018. 
He worked as a curator on TV projects, all related to the presenting of contemporary art, experimental films and videos, Videodrome (TV show 2002-2004), 25fps (International Festival 2005-2009), TV – performance DM talks to DM (HRT 1, 2010) animated film series Animatik (HRT 3) and New Collections (HRT 3). Since 1989, his films have been shown at festivals, exhibitions and presentations in Europe, USA, Australia, Japan, Brazil …  As a TV director, he mostly worked on programs for culture and art (Second Format, HRT 1, (2005-2014). In 2010 he directed a TV documentary New Tendency which was screened at the Venice Biennale in 2014 in the program Meetings on Architecture.
During high school education at the Center for Culture and Art, he participated in activities of Kinoklub Zagreb, between 1985 and 1989 he made several experimental films.
Analog photographs,chemical processes and digital micro-animation establish an interspace between the photographic and cinematic, the static and the moved. The form as a shape of energy transforms the view. Every moment for itself and simultaneously, eternity. The outer space and the constellations, the coldness, the doubt and the movement, chance and an attempt of conscious break.