Inês T. Alves (Portugal, 1987) holds a MA in Cultural Narratives, completed in the New University of Lisbon (FCSH), Santiago de Compostela University and Bergamo University. She has a MA in Documentary Film from the University of the Arts London (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Scholarship). Inês is a filmmaker, video editor and cultural producer. She is experienced in developing film workshops for children and youngster. Her films were exhibited in international film festivals and exhibitions like: INDIELISBOA; PORTO/POST/DOC; QUEER LISBOA; IN THE PALACE Short-Film Festival Sofia (Bulgaria); URBAN LENS Bengaluru (India); FEST Espinho; FUSO – International Video-Art Festival Lisbon; Her latest short documentary, Around Corners, won the New Cinema Award in Porto/Post/Doc Festival.
A visual and rhythmic composition based on the repetition of daily gestures and the nuances of routine actions, which we develop mechanically, like a loop that sometimes is physical, sometimes mental.