PROGRAM 2023 Interface Video Art Festival /05/12/2023 – 10/12/2023Screening start 05/12/2023 20:00h A Crooked Path Through The Dark A poet is dead As If No Misfortune Had Occurred in the Night Blinded by Centuries Cave Paintings Collectors Contrapunctus V DIGITAL NO-MAN’S Emerge Evanescence Exterior Day (Esterno giorno) Feel The Change FLYBY KATHY I Am a Horse Ingresso Animali Vivi jogginggodard Killing Cinema Knit One, Stab Two Lotus-Eyed Girl Manta Ray Matchbox (Caixa de Fósforo) Repetitions Sequence 01 SKYSCRAPER FILM So many times Still Life with Woman, Tea and Letter STRATIS Theta They’re all dead TOXX Underground Ants Waking Field Why Are You Image Plus? Zabriskie Point