program 2023

Knit One, Stab Two

Director Biography
Alison Peirse is a multi-award winning horror writer and filmmaker. Her fourth book, Women Make Horror: Filmmaking, Feminism, Genre has won awards around the world and was the subject of a screening series at the Museum of Modern Art in August 2022. Her last short documentary, Three Ways to Dine Well, won awards and played festivals around the world, including Brazil, USA, UK, Thailand, Germany, Spain and Nigeria.
This essay film examines the representation of knitters and knitting, in over sixty horror films made by women, from the 1920s – 2020s.
Please note: English, Spanish and Bahasa Indonesian .srt files are available at the bottom of this project page. They can also be selected using the ‘CC’ button on the Vimeo file.
Spanish Subtitles by Valeria Villegas Lindvall
Bahasa Indonesian Subtitles by Sevita Amanda