program 2022

AbstrArt 23

Luis Carlos Rodríguez
Luis Carlos Rodríguez García. Avila Spain. I reside in Valladolid,
Fine Arts. University of the Basque Country.
Currently a professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Valladolid.
Biography Art
I Have maid individual and collective exhibitions of painting, photography, video art, installations and audiovisual performances
Alicante, Avila, Barcelona, Bilbao, Girona, Granada, Madrid, Salamanca, Valladolid (Spain).
París, Toulouse, Nice, Aquitaine, Aveyron. Decazeville, (France).
Monterrey, Guanajuato y México DF (México).
London, Morecambe, Walthamstow, Cambridge, Folkestone (UK).
New York, Atlanta, Burbank, Venice. Tampa, Asheville. Los Angeles, Las Vegas. Illinois, Ohio. Sacramento. (USA)
Roma, Forlí, Bari, Milan. Lecce. Modena. (Italy).
Callcuta, Bengal, Maharashtra. Pune. (India)
Lisboa, Oporto y Coimbra (Portugal).
Caracas, San Cristóbal Maracay, (Venezuela).
Montreal, Toronto (Canada).
Buenos Aires, Paraná, (Argentina)
Tokyo, Kyoto (Japón)
Warsaw (Poland). Berlin (Germany), Guanzanghou, (China). Sofia (Bulgaria). Timisoara (Rumania). Belgrado (Serbia). Cusco (Perú). Moscú (Rusia). Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Cúcuta, (Colombia). Phnom Penh (Cambodia) , Atenas (Grecia). Lugano (Suiza), Asunción, (Paraguay), Gante (Belgium). Split (Croacia) Santiago de Cuba, (Cuba).
Abstrart is part of an audiovisual artistic research project that tries to transfer expressive and emotional concepts to the screen with moving images and, therefore, intentionally lacks formal, narrative and structural aspects.
Any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence or a chance accident in the production process.