Dorothy Cheung (b. 1987) is a writer and artist. She is recently graduated in Media Design (Lens-based) in Piet Zwart Institute, the Netherlands and currently based in Hong Kong. Her works, inspired by her background from gender studies and community art, explore ideas of identities and home through a double perspective – personal and political, memory and forgetfulness. She embarks on the filmmaking journey with co-writing the screenplay of Pseudo Secular (2016), the feature film is selected for South Taiwan Film Festival, Torino Film Festival and Hong Kong Independent Film Festival. She has then directed and written several moving-image works that are screened in Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, EYE Filmmuseum and Korzo Theater, and selected for festivals including International Film Festival Rotterdam, Seoul Women’s Film Festival, South Taiwan Film Festival, Queer Lisboa and Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival.
A Room of Oblivion is an experimental film reflecting on the notion of queer memories, and the failure of it through rediscovered footage taken in a journey with an ex-partner.